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Monday, November 7, 2011


Life is full of choices. Blue or black, jeans or formals, stilettos or pumps, pizza or chinese, action flick or comedy flick. It may be easier to boil it down to one from the list of not so bad choices to choose from. But when it comes to bigger choices what do we do? First we listen to the brain. It gives us logical reasoning. Then the heart intervenes. It gives us emotional reasoning. What happens when these two collide. We get confused, stressed out and then there are external environmental factors like family, finance and when it comes to jobs there is career growth. Similarly when it comes to marriage there should be camaraderie, compatibility. There are numerous factors that guide us in making a choice. But what if you want to be spontaneous. What if you want to decide at the spur of the moment. Will you be making a right one? Have we ever made any life choices like that. I mean big choices. Like you meet this person and it instantly clicks and you decide to get married. You don't even know the background of each other. Its spontaneous. Does that work? Is that how marriage works. When we start questioning life we don't get answers. There are many questions that linger on our mind for which we are still looking for answers. Do you think we can take a road trip to Spain like the movie ZNMD and find answers to our questions when murderous bulls are chasing us down an ally. Can you leave your bride/groom on the aisle and run away saying you don't want to get married now. Can you ever walk out of your current life and start all over again. Does all that which happens in reel life happen in real life too? We don't the answers do we? Having said all this, may I ask you if life really leaves us with choices? Is the life you are living right now, your choice or is it the choice of circumstances. Don't ponder. Just leave it and instead live it.

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