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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happiness redefined in the 21st century

Happiness could be synonymous to many things.

For a mother it could be her child's first footsteps or its first word

For a new employee it could be his first paycheck

For a farmer it could be a sign of monsoon

For a lover it could be his/her first kiss

But a child seeks happiness from everything he/she does. His first toy, the first time he build something wonderful with his lego, his first drawing, her first dancing doll, her first cycle, the first time she made a friend. 

All of us have started defining happiness. For us if something is achieved only then happiness occurs. WE hahve made happiness so conditional. I can be happy only if  i get a job, i can be happy only if i get a rise, i can be happy only if my in-laws don't stay with me. if we start adding clauses to it then the very word loses its meaning. Happiness is something that stay deep inside us always, we only bring it out when we want to and stop it from coming on its own. Its time that we learn from our children. Their innocence, their enthusiasim, they laugh at everthing and cry for nothing. Its time we shed our inhibitions and start to live like the way child does.

 Today there is no peace or harmony in the world. There are terrorists attacks, recession, job loss, pay cuts, mounting inflation, everything revolves around money and pride. Smile has become so expensive, friendly hellos cost more than the diamonds, an affectionate hug is completely exhausted. Where is human touch anyways. Lets make a promise to ourselves that we will bring out that happy smile on our face, say Hello to a stanger and make their day, help a needy and take their blessings. Lets get back to being a child all over again.  

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