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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Karma - according to me

We hear the word 'Karma' so frequently. What is this supposed to mean? When I think of this word the chapter from Bhagavath Gita on 'Karma Yoga' rings a bell to me. Bhagavath Gita as we all know the holy scripture that contains words of wisdom that Lord Krishna gives his favourite cousin Arjun when he refuses to fight against his cousins Kauravas. Karma means 'action'. When i tried to ponder on this and tried to remember if I have done any karma in my life, I can't think of anything big but to me Karma could simply mean making a person smile or giving someone emotional or financial support when they are in need. My Mother-in-law and I had a little chat about this the other day and she was mentioning how my husband ie her son is so much like his dad who always goes out of his way to help somebody. But in the process she says my father-in-law has never gained anything but only made substancial losses. After my father-in-law passed away my Mother-in-law had financial difficulties but she and her elder son mananged to sail through and never compromised in giving a good education to my husband, this is Karma, which i believe my father -in-law has passed on to his family long after he was gone. I told my mother-in-law that if my husband is also doing that then he is also passing on good karma to the children i will bear in the future.
There is a presswali who comes twice a week to my house to take clothes for press and she brings along with her her 2 year old daughter Nikita. My husband never fails to send that little girl empty handed, there will be a fruit or a biscuit or a chocolate in her hand and big smile on her face. That is karma. Giving a old couple a ride on your car on a hot summer day is a Karma. Helping your mother in the kitchen is a karma. Giving some extra money to your maid servant when she is in need of it, is Karma. A friendly smile to a passerby, a word of consolation to a friend who has been laid off from work, a word of praise to your wife on her culinary skills, a warm hug to a loved one - all of them is Karma according to me. Cause when you do something good to someone, that goodness comes right back to you. Remember ' What Goes around, Comes around'


amutha said...
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amutha said...

what u feel is right sreelu. The good and bad of our past will surely reflect in our future. the small helps which we do to others brings the good blessing words from them which is obviously a positive vibration.

Ramya Devanand said...

hey sreelatha - you read my mind. i totally believe in this and sometimes its mind boggling. its almost like a rule and invariably the results of ones action follows sooner or later. Btw on a lighter note, remind Arvind to buy me a fruit cake the next time he sees me - he might get one from someone sometime later - who knows what karma can do ;-) joke

Ramya Devanand said...

hey sreelatha - you read my mind. i totally believe in this and sometimes its mind boggling. its almost like a rule and invariably the results of ones action follows sooner or later. Btw on a lighter note, remind Arvind to buy me a fruit cake the next time he sees me - he might get one from someone sometime later - who knows what karma can do ;-) joke